Inside the illiyiine paradise, there is a region containing the 8 stations of Barzakhoul Maktoum. It is a heavenly place, a gift offered by Allah to the great Hidden Pole, Mawlaya Cheikh Ahmad At-Tidjani Cherif RTA. Barzakhoul Maktoum is a transformation of light, the rank and spiritual greatness he holds above all Saints; a gift that Cheikhou Tidjani wanted to share with his followers.
Station 1: Al Mahroul Ifaya
In this station will reside those who love Cheikhou Tidjani but do not belong to any Tariqa, or who are part of other Tourouqhs.
- Station 2: Al Ouroufoul Bakhiya
Those who had the intent to take the Tidjanni Tariqa wird, but passed away in the meantime, will stay in this station in a sleeping state.
Station3: Al Khistil Mahrouf
Will live in this station those who took the wird inadvertently from a unauthorized muqadam. They will reside in there in a sleeping state, just as those of the first two stations.
Station 4: Al Rouhbaniyatou Salam
Those who took the wird from an authorized muqadam but do not attend the daily Wazifa and weekly Khadaratul Jummah zikr sessions in group. This shows the importance of doing these awraads in the company of fellow Tidjani disciples.
Station 5: Al Fathoul Mifta
Those who took the wird from an authorized muqadam and respect all the rules of the Tariqa will live in this station. They will reside in a state of awakening! Houroul haynines, housing and vehicles will be provided to them to live at their liking.
- Station 6: Al Anwaral Firdaws
The Saints of the Tariqa will reside in this station.
- Station 7: Al Bichril Oulouf
The Saints with the high spiritual grades of Khoutboul Akhtaabs or functions of Khoutbous Zamane will reside in this station.
Station 8: Al Medinatou Nour
This station is the dwelling of Mawlaya Cheikh Ahmad At-Tidjani Cherif RTA, where he often welcomes his Khoulafas and those near to him, as he likes. In this station, the Wazifa session is often presided by Cheikh Seydil Hadji Malick Sy who is one of his Khoulafas.
By Mawlaya Seydi Mouhamed ElCheikh,
Daahiratoul Imaane, MedinaCheikh Tidjani