Sanguebi, the Elect

He will live for 92 years; the number ninety two, which resumes symbolically in him, the numerical value of the name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He is Seydi Mouhamed El Cheikh. A mythical and mystical entity who undoubtedly hold the exclusive sacred history and secrets of the Tarikha Tijani Order’s powerful light. Materialized by an heritage received in this world of Shahadah after a summer afternoon encounter with the Great Pole, his Excellency Mawlana Cheikh Ahmad At-Tidjani Cherif (RTA).

His followers call him Khoutboul Akhtaaboul Kabir (his spiritual station). He is the last of the Khalifs of Mawlana Cheikh on earth. A pathfinder, a rectifier, a teacher, a guide that draws the lights from the ultimate divine world of “Al-Bast”,  crosses Al-Khayssiya, stops by the Ghaïb, visit Al Batinoul-baatin, contemplates Al Baatin in order to expose all these realities in this world of Shahadah. 

He’s mission is difficult, but the missionary assumes and stands up, with the support of the intrinsic and uninterrupted duo of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with the undeniable elect in the Lights of heavens and earth, Mawlana Cheikh Ahmad At-Tidjani Cherif.  The leader of Medina Cheikh does not need to have worldly noble roots as he benefits from the divine world of Nothingness (Al-Bast), an absolute notoriety which exceeds all other mystics. Seydi Mouhamed El Cheikh is a contemporary giant of the sacred history. 

He is loved, followed and blessed. His discourse educates, his behavior constructs, his voice calls and his attire attracts. In real time, he is surrounded on the ground. The man invests his person. And in sacred time, he can be everywhere: the audio sounds inside smartphones, on social media, but especially in the souls, hearts and minds. 

Sanguebi, Seydi Mouhamed El Cheikh, nurtures his disciples in the faith of Islam and the rules of the Tijaniyya order. From his spiritual retreats, punctuated by meditations and missions on the field, Sanguebi will dominate the world by his trusty stature, with the certainty that his exquisite and ecstatic soul has already settled in the lap of Allah (SWT). 

That makes him a pure man with clean hands, an illuminated heart and an immaculate spirit. This exceptional entity is now facing the attacks of plotters. Wake up lost detractors, the path of this mission is already traced by Mawlana Cheikh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad At-Tijani Cherif, Cherifoul Akbar until 2075. Sanguebi, Seydi Mouhamed El Cheikh has a divine protection. That’s why he faces such challenges but remains standing. He awaits with his companions for the Hour of the Brilliant victory: Inna Fatahna laka Fathann Moubiinan. Seydi Mouhamed El Cheikh, the guardian of Medina Cheikh, Khoutboul Akhtaboul Kabir, Imamoul Mahdiyou Mountazar, all these names are summarized in “Sanguebi”.

MedinaCheikh Communication, October 2017

Translated by MedinaCheikh Digital